Dynamic Store Commands

storeSave a target string as a variable for easy re-usetext: The text to use.variable name: The name of a variable without brackets.
store_attributeGets the value of an element attribute. The value of the attribute may differ across browsersattribute locator: An element locator followed by an @ sign and then the name of the attribute, e.g. “foo@bar”.variable name: The name of a variable without brackets.
store_jsonSave a target json as a variable for easy re-usejson: A string representation of a JavaScript object.variable name: The name of a variable without brackets.
store_textGets the text of an element and stores it for later use. This works for any element that contains text.locator: An element locator.variable name: The name of a variable without brackets.
store_valueGets the value of element and stores it for later use. This works for any input type element.locator: An element locator.variable name: The name of a variable without brackets.
store_xpath_countGets the number of nodes that match the specified xpath (e.g. “//table” would give the number of tables).xpath: The xpath expression to evaluate.variable name: The name of a variable without brackets.